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Birth Control

Stoneleigh Medical Group

Gastroenterologists & Internal Medicine located in Brewster, NY & Jefferson Valley, NY

Birth control gives women and men control over their fertility. With so many options available, patients are often confused about which option is best suited for their needs. The internal medicine specialists at Stoneleigh Medical Group can help with choosing and prescribing birth control medications and materials. To learn more about birth control, call the office in Carmel, Brewster, Pawling, Yorktown Heightsor Jefferson Valley, New York, or request a consultation online today. 

Birth Control Q&A

Which birth control method is right for me?

Choosing the right birth control method can be an intimidating and overwhelming decision. With all of the available options, it can be difficult to know which method is right for you. 

At Stoneleigh Medical Group, the goal of your physician is to help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of birth control. This allows you to make an informed decision based on what’s right for your body. 

When choosing a birth control plan, it can be helpful to consider your feelings (and your partner’s feelings) on topics like:

  • Whether or not you plan to have children, and if so, how soon
  • How sensitive you are to the side effects of medications 
  • The likelihood that you’ll be able to comply with the method that you choose
  • Which method of birth control will work best, given your sexual habits and lifestyle

What types of birth control are available?

At Stoneleigh Medical Group, you can choose from a wide variety of birth control methods, which may include:

  • Condoms
  • Birth control pill (oral contraception)
  • Birth control patch
  • Diaphragms 
  • IUD (intrauterine device)
  • NuvaRing™
  • Depo-Provera™

The advantage of having so many options when it comes to birth control is that you are free to try different methods or combine methods until you find a plan that works best for you. 

What are the benefits of birth control?

Besides the obvious benefit of preventing unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, birth control can offer a variety of benefits to both women and their partners.

Birth control allows you to experience greater spontaneity during sexual intimacy, and it also gives you the power to control your reproductive choices regardless of your age. For some women, hormonal birth control can also help ease premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms or balance out mood-related hormonal issues. 

When used correctly every time, birth control can give you a sense of confidence and empowerment when it comes to your sexual health. The experts at Stoneleigh Medical Group can answer your questions and help you make the best choice.

To schedule an appointment, call Stoneleigh Medical Group or book an appointment online today.